Emergency food in South Sudan
Nile Hope supports vulnerable House holds in South Sudan to access food through unconditional cash assistance
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Hand Pumps drilled to supply the vulnerable community with water
Food Security & Livelihoods
Nile Hope supports food production through provision of livelihood inputs
Income generating activity

Strengthening Communities for Sustainable Development

Nile Hope epitomizes the spirit of Localization of both humanitarian and Development Aid in South Sudan. We are passionate about building sustainably resilient communities to restore and maintain the dignity of disaster affected populations. Essential to Nile Hope’s lifesaving humanitarian work is our commitment to help rebuild safer, stronger places that people call home. We promote social justice, bring basic services closer to people and open up economic opportunities that makes communities more resilient and less vulnerable to the forces that cause emergencies. Since inception (2004) we have been able to reach millions of people through our emergency and development projects through generous contribution from our reliable donors.

Our Programs



Nile Hope Health department is well versed with implementation of both development and emergency responses. We are HRP members responding to health needs in different parts of South Sudan.



Nile Hope implements emergency nutrition interventions for malnourished children below five years, pregnant and lactating women as well as other vulnerable members of the communities in both host communities and IDPs.



(Water, Sanitation and Hygiene). NILE HOPE has undertaken WASH interventions since 2006 to meet a priority need in communities, especially among IDPs, returnees, refugees, host communities, as well as communities who have low access to WASH amenities.


GBV/ Protection

The NILE HOPE gender and protection sector helps the survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) to heal, thrives, and works with communities and institutions to break the cycle of violence by rolling out different kind of interventions.



Nile Hope is an important player in the Education Sector and continues to participate in critical forums and policy gatherings to generate such tools as the South Sudan Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies (INEE).



(Food Security & Livelihoods). We have a variety of projects in partnership with Dan Church Aid, German Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt – AA) through Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) and FAO to respond to food insecurity.

Peace Building

We have implemented a number of peace building projects with the support from different donors. Nile Hope is constantly engaging youth, women, church leader’s community leaders and the local community on early warning and early responses on conflict and disaster Risk Management

Emergencies & Preparedness Response

Nile Hope has continuously been at the frontline of supporting people unexpectedly displaced through conflict or hazards with life-saving shelter and non-food items (S/NFIs).

Our impacT


Number of people provided with safe drinking water through 15 motorized water yards in 2021.


Number of caregivers accessed with MIYCN services in 2021.


Number of girls and boys enrolled across different levels of learning in 2021.