
Health indicators such as Infant Mortality Rates (IMR)and Maternal Mortality Ratio(MMR) in South Sudan remain high.  Many people continue to lose their lives as a result of preventable diseases in South Sudan. Taking services closer to the distressed population in the hard to reach locations and capacity building local communities continue to help in alleviating this problem.

Nile Hope’s Health program started in 2005 and is designed to provide Emergency health services in close collaboration with the national MOH, SMOH, partners and donors. Broadly, this program continues to provide effective Health Promotion, Disease prevention, curative and health system strengthening services. Nile Hope has rehabilitated health facilities, trained healthcare workers, strengthened and supported supply chain management for essential drugs and medical equipment. Further, the organization continues to provide emergency surgical services that includes surgical treatment of acute injuries, appendectomy, caesarian section, surgical excision of benign growth and related anomalies in remote locations with acute needs.

Our understanding of context, alternative treatment practices in South Sudan and entrenched roots within the community continue to support effective service delivery to those who need it the most.