Story of Recovery from severe acute malnutrition of Nien Gariek in Leer SC

A 12-month boy Nien Gariek was brought by his mother Nyaroun Kuok, a widow with disability and also with mental problem. The family member and the mother said they had lost hope that the child would survive after seeking several medical interventions and even visited the prominent traditional doctor without improvement. Just before coming to the SC, The mother was advised by one of the women whose child had been treated at the NH SC. They came from Adok payam to Nile Hope Stabilization Centre in Tochriak and the child presented with severe watery diarrhea, fever and oral thrush in addition to inability to breastfeed. The child was admitted after the necessary assessments were done. Admission weight was 5.5 Kg and a MUAC of 9.6cm. The child stayed for 2 weeks and recovered fully from diarrhea and fever and appetite regained. The mother and the family members were so happy to see their child recovering day after day, and even though the mother had mental problems, the facility staff observed the happiness and the smile on the mother’s face every step of the journey. The child was discharged with a weight of 7.1kg and MUAC assessment of 11.1cm. The child was discharged from the program and referred to the OTP in Tochriak. The mother with the family members were so happy and grateful to have their child back to normal health.


Picture A showing the child (Nien) during admission to the SC in Tochriak –Leer, and the picture B showing same child after recovery!

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