In South Sudan, it is estimated that only 41% of the population have access to safe water for domestic use. 74% of the total population defecate in the open and have no access to human waste disposal facilities. Sources of clean water such as boreholes were damaged or are dysfunctional due to lack of repairs. Cholera epidemic was declared in South Sudan in both 2016 and 2017 pointing to the disparity of need at local community level. Nile Hope has been a pivotal player in these responses and has years of experience in this regard. Nile Hope has undertaken WASH interventions in South Sudan since 2006 and continues to enhance WASH services by providing adequate clean water and strengthening community-led hygiene and sanitation and advocacy including through school-focused hygiene activities. Through this, the organization plays a pivotal role in reducing the prevalence of water, sanitation and hygiene-related diseases, enhances capacity of communities and strengthens WASH Emergency Preparedness and Response capacity.
Between 2018 and 2021 alone, Nile Hope commissioned 18 solar motorized water yard distribution system as part of it commitment to reduce the WASH related diseases by providing clean and safe drinking water to the community affected by conflict and climatic changes. Through this, the organization and its partners has made it possible for the vulnerable rural and Peri-urban populations to access clean water in a sustainable way by enlisting the help of local communities to participate in water management committees.